Complete KYB for businesses in minutes

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Know exactly who you are in business with

Streamline by Laboremus is a real-time identity verification infrastructure for banks and financial institutions

Retrieve company registration and other documents directly from URSB

Verify TIN and KCCA trade license

Do KYC and AML-PEP screening of shareholders and investors of the company

Powerful KYB and KYC reports

Generate detailed and complete KYB and KYC reports that can be easily shared or exported

Clear insights on shareholders

Go beyond simple business checks to uncover identity of shareholders and do their AML-PEP screening

Validate business name and TIN

Streamline by Laboremus checks and confirms business name and Tax Identification Number against the central government  database in real-time

Confirm the registered identity of businesses

Verify key details with URSB and central databases

Validate important business details in minutes

Run trade license check

Check the KCCA trade license of the business to ensure its authenticity and validity

Verify shareholder identity and more

KYB in Streamline by Laboremus goes beyond just business check to uncover the details of company shareholders

Run individual KYC on company shareholders

Validate their National ID card and other details

Perform screening for AML and PEP

Verify identity easily with Streamline by Laboremus

NIRA verified

Establish customer/business identity by verifying the National ID card data against the NIRA ID database

Fully automated

Automate the entire KYC/KYB process and remove all hurdles from onboarding new customers

Powerful API

Integrate with your existing digital stack using our powerful and fully-featured REST API


Deploy seamless customer onboarding across Web, Mobile App, WhatsApp and even USSD

Flexible pricing

Our pay-as-you-verify pricing plans ensure you only pay for the number of verifications you consume

Incredible support

Get local, real-human support for expert advice on integration and deployment


Get the most reliable KYC & KYB infrastructure in Africa

Get Streamline by Laboremus to verify the identity of your customers